Health through the Ages: Evolution of Healthcare in London

Photo of Gordon Elizabeth

The city of London, dating back to AD 47, will serve as our classroom, showcasing how past understanding of health has been transformed into modern healthcare practices.” - Dr. Elizabeth Gordon

(More Info)

Dr. Elizabeth Gordon (More Info)

Health through the Ages: Evolution of Healthcare in London

Program Dates:
June 23, 2024 - July 8, 2024

Honors Credit:

WKU Course:
HCA 347 / HCA 572

Public Health , Nursing

Course Description:
History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes. Explore how past understanding of health, disease, and medical treatment, public health policies, and healthcare practices continue to reverberate today. The city of London, dating back to AD 47 and the Roman empire, will serve as our backdrop providing historical insights through visits to sites such as Old Operating Theatre and the Florence Nightingale Museum. Perspectives on modern-day impacts will be gained from hospital visits and interactions with healthcare professionals, with attention to how the UK healthcare model compares/contrasts with the US. This course is designed for future healthcare professionals across disciplines.


Physical Activity Requirements:
Contact Faculty

Course Highlights:
The city of London, dating back to AD 47, will serve as our classroom, showcasing how past understanding of health has been transformed into modern healthcare practices.” - Dr. Elizabeth Gordon